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Quantum Medicine

Quantum medicine is based on bioresonance therapies which have achieved significant results in the last 30 years. According to scientific studies, this method uses oscillatory frequencies to restore intercellular communication and regulate energy in the body.

Fundamental Principles

Quantum medicine was born in the 1970s. Since then, it has made progress in scientific, technical, and legal terms.

In our country, its application has been regulated by law for about 15 years.
Quantum medicine can be practiced by a medical doctor with appropriate postgraduate education in this field.
This branch of medicine can be applied in all medical areas, which primarily depends on the doctor’s expertise.

Properties of Water

Water molecules, grouped in clusters, represent a storage space for information transmitted through bioresonant treatments. This information affects the electromagnetic oscillations in the body, enabling an effective therapeutic response.

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Substances and Information

Substances that affect our body are present in two forms — chemical structure and their oscillatory pattern. Bioresonance therapy uses BICOM Optima to identify and invert pathological oscillations, allowing biological systems to establish balance. The process is not instant; therapeutic effects develop gradually, continuing even after the treatment has concluded.

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Therapeutic Process

BICOM therapy increases or decreases the intensity of oscillations and directs healthy frequency patterns to pathological frequencies in the body. Molecular interference oscillations stored in clusters lose stability and gradually weaken. Although the process is complex and requires repeated treatments, the therapeutic effect continues even after the device is turned off, thanks to the body’s regulatory mechanisms that continue the therapeutic action for days after the treatment.

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