General Practice and Quantum Medicine Clinic

Dr Katarina kvantna medicina Zvezdara

BICOM Therapy – A Scientific Approach to Quantum Medicine

BICOM therapy, based on the bioreonant principles of quantum medicine, utilizes electromagnetic oscillations to harmonize energy within the body. Our bodies are composed of matter particles which, according to modern physics, function as condensed energy. Each particle has its own frequency characteristic, and body cells communicate through electromagnetic oscillations. A healthy organism possesses harmonious cellular frequencies, or tissue electromagnetic oscillations, while the presence of toxins, bacteria, or other pathogenic agents disrupts this balance.

Role of Frequencies in BICOM Therapy

Every substance, whether it is bacteria, virus, food, or toxin, has its specific frequency pattern. When harmful agents enter the body, they disrupt the normal oscillations of cells, impairing intercellular communication and homeostasis. Such disharmony can eventually lead to physical disorders and symptoms of disease.

The BICOM device uses this scientific basis by comparing the frequencies from the electromagnetic spectrum of the patient with the frequencies of introduced samples (bacteria, toxins, allergens…). When these frequencies match, resonance occurs, which the device detects as a “yes” response for the presence of pathogenic agents. Bioresonant therapy suppresses pathological oscillations, enabling renewed intercellular communication and activating regenerative processes.

Therapy and Its Impact on Health

BICOM therapy is designed based on the results of BICOM testing and may include the following elements:


elimination of heavy metals, pesticides, and chemical substances

Treatment of allergies and intolerances

Hormonal balance

Elimination of pathogens

bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasite

Restoration of healthy cellular oscillatory patterns

This therapy is conducted in intervals, most often once a week, every two weeks, or monthly, depending on the health condition, severity, and duration of the illness. Each session lasts about an hour, and the treatment is painless, harmless, and relaxing. The patient sits in a comfortable position, in a pleasant environment while the Bicom Optima Multisoft works. Non-invasive and completely safe, BICOM therapy has no recorded side effects over more than 40 years of use.

Therapy is contraindicated only in patients with pacemakers, due to the possibility of interference with the device.

Areas of Application

ALLERGIES (allergic rhinitis, pollen allergies, allergic skin problems)
DIGESTIVE ORGAN DISEASES (gastritis, candidiasis…)
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASES (asthma bronchiale, sinus infections…)
GYNECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (bacterial and fungal infections, menopause…)
UROLOGICAL DISEASES (bladder infections, prostate, impotence…)
INFECTIONS (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic)
METABOLIC DISEASES (support in the treatment of diabetes and obesity…)
HORMONAL IMBALANCES (insulin resistance, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, thyroid disorders)

Scientific Basis and Biological Mechanisms

The physical basis of bioresonance therapy lies in the principles of electromagnetism. According to the laws of physics, when the oscillations of cells match the frequencies of the samples, interference occurs, or a reduction in pathological oscillations. However, unlike simple electrical systems, biological systems are far more complex. Cellular communication depends on many factors, including homeostasis (maintenance of the internal balance of the organism), as well as regulatory and compensatory mechanisms of the body.

BICOM therapy stimulates these natural processes, allowing the body to correct imbalances and regain health on its own.

kvantna medicina Zvezdara

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